Dalit Parishad organised a meeting of Dalit activists in Sanand on 19
August 2012. A book written by Bhanu Parmar, president of Parishad was
inaugurated. On the dias (from left) Moses Parmar, Babu painter, Kancha
Ileiyah, Raju Solanki, Dr. Nitin Gurjar, Dr. Shyamal Purani, Babubhai
Katpara and Bhanu Parmar
Kancha Ileiyah, Pro. of Osmania university was here in Sanand, Gujarat during a programme of Ambedkar Dalit Parishad. Kancha is known for his book ‘why I am not Hindu?’ The Telangana separatists abused him some time back for his stand on nationality. His ideological stands gave the impression that he was Dalit. But, he said and it was surprising that he was from shepherd community, which is OBC in Andhra Pradesh.
is advocating worship of buffalo instead of cow. For him cow is white and its
colour is the reason why Aryans worshiped her. Buffalo is black and Anarya. “Buffalo
contributes 70 percent milk production of country”, he said. I like his crusade
against Aryan domination. And his passion reflects the truth that Hindus are
not a homogenous tribe.
does not know anybody from Gujarat, except one NGO. I gave him names of Joseph
Mekwan, Neerav Patel, Dalpat Chauhan, Sahil Parmar, the leading writers of
Gujarati Dalit literature. Kancha has not read anything of Gujarati Dalit literature.
I introduced Valjibhai Patel and told Kancha that Valjibhai’s organization Council
for Social Justice is the only organization in entire country which has done
ground breaking work in the distribution of land under agricultural land ceiling act.
my one friend told me that Kanchaji was with them in Durban. It is better we use
our time and resources in the process of interacting with each other in our own
country than running after international conventions.
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